We found it painful to setup a valid Neo4j instance on our machines, so we took the time to make the following step by step guide:


First Step

Start by downloading the Neo4j Desktop from the neo4j website here.


Second Step

Next, run start the desktop client and select New >> Create Project.


Third Step

Select a password (we chose neo4j123) and ensure you are using version 5.20.0, then click Create.


Fourth Step

Navigate to the project and select it, your screen should look like the image below:


Fifth Step

Enable the APOC plugin for your project

A manual reboot may be necessary for this change to take effect.


Fifth Step

That’s it, you can should now be able to connect your database using environment variables like those shown below

export NEO4J_USER=neo4j
export NEO4J_PASSWORD=neo4j123
export NEO4J_URL=bolt://localhost:7687
export NEO4J_DATABASE=neo4j