Managing the R2R server with the CLI.

Server Management

Check Server Health

Check the health of the server using the health command:

$r2r health

This command has no additional arguments.

Check Server Stats

Check the server stats using the server-stats command:

$r2r server-stats

This command has no additional arguments.

Retrieve Logs

Retrieve logs with an optional type filter using the logs command:

$r2r logs --offset 0 --limit 10 --run-type-filter ingestion

Bring Down Docker Compose

Bring down the Docker Compose setup and attempt to remove the network if necessary using the docker-down command:

$r2r docker-down --volumes --remove-orphans --project-name my-project

Generate System Report

Generate a system report including R2R version, Docker info, and OS details using the generate-report command:

$r2r generate-report

This command has no additional arguments.

Start R2R Server

Start the R2R server using the serve command:

$r2r serve --host localhost --port 8000 --docker --full --project-name my-project --config-name my-config --config-path /path/to/config --build --image my-image --image-env prod --exclude-postgres

Update R2R

Update the R2R package to the latest version using the update command:

$r2r update

This command has no additional arguments.

Print the version of R2R using the version command:

$r2r version

This command has no additional arguments.