
This guide extends the R2R Quickstart by demonstrating how to run R2R with a local Large Language Model (LLM). We’ll walk through setting up a complete local Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system.


To run local RAG with R2R you must either install Docker with ollama by using the or install ollama by appending the --docker-ext-ollama flag in the command line, or ollama must be installed on your local system.

To install locally, you may follow the instructions on their official website or GitHub README.

Docker allows users to get started with R2R seamlessly—providing R2R, the R2R Dashboard, and a Postgres+pgvector database all in one place.

Run the following command to start all containers:

# `r2r docker-down` to bring down existing R2R Docker, if running.
r2r --config-name=local_ollama serve --docker --docker-ext-ollama
Performance may be worse when running ollama inside of Docker, please review your Docker Desktop settings when running on a local computer

The R2R docker-compose includes a pre-configured container for Postgres+pgvector. Instead, you may override this behavior by specifying Postgres environment variable before calling docker-compose as shown:

docker-compose up -d

The POSTGRES_VECS_COLLECTION environment variable defines the collection within your Postgres database where R2R related tables reside. If the specified collection does not exist then it will be created by R2R during initialization.

Starting the Ollama server

Next, make sure that your Ollama server is online with the necessary dependencies:

# Check the name of the ollama container and modify the command if it differs from r2r-ollama-1
docker exec -it r2r-ollama-1 ollama pull llama3.1
docker exec -it r2r-ollama-1 ollama pull mxbai-embed-large


R2R uses a r2r.json file for settings. For local setup, we’ll use the default local_ollama configuration. This can be customized to your needs by setting up a standalone project.

Starting the R2R server

# The Docker installation launches an R2R API over port `8000`.

Run the client commands below in a new terminal after starting the Ollama server.

Interacting with R2R


To ingest sample documents (excluding media files):

r2r ingest-sample-file

This command processes the ingested, splits them into chunks, embeds the chunks, and stores them into your specified Postgres database. Relational data is also stored to allow for downstream document management, which you can read about in the quickstart.

To search the knowledge base:

r2r search --query="Who was Aristotle?" 


To perform RAG over the knowledge base:

# customize LLM model with a flag like `--rag-model="ollama/llama3.1"`
r2r rag --query="Who was Aristotle?"


To perform streaming RAG over the knowledge base:

r2r rag --query="What contributions did Aristotle make to biology?" --stream

This command is the same as the one called for a basic RAG completion, except the result is streamed in real time.


In this guide, we’ve covered:

  1. Installing R2R for local RAG
  2. Configuring the R2R pipeline
  3. Ingesting and embedding documents
  4. Running search and RAG on a local LLM

This is just the beginning of what you can build with R2R. Experiment with your own documents, customize the pipeline, and explore R2R’s capabilities further.

For detailed setup and basic functionality, refer back to the R2R Quickstart. For more advanced usage and customization options, join the R2R Discord community