Deep Dive

R2R Application Documentation


R2R comes complete with a FastAPI-based web service that provides endpoints for various operations related to the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pipeline. It allows users to upload and process files, add entries, perform searches, generate RAG completions, evaluate completions, delete entries based on filters, retrieve user IDs and documents, and access logs.

The application API specifications are included here.

Application Creation and Launching

The R2R application is created using the E2EPipelineFactory.create_pipeline() method, which assembles various components based on the provided configuration. The factory method takes the following parameters:

  • config: An instance of R2RConfig containing the configuration settings for the application.
  • ingestion_pipeline_impl: The implementation class for the ingestion pipeline (default: BasicIngestionPipeline).
  • embedding_pipeline_impl: The implementation class for the embedding pipeline (default: BasicEmbeddingPipeline).
  • rag_pipeline_impl: The implementation class for the RAG pipeline (default: QnARAGPipeline).
  • eval_pipeline_impl: The implementation class for the evaluation pipeline (default: BasicEvalPipeline).
  • app_fn: A function that creates the FastAPI application (default: create_app).

Here's an example of how the application is typically created in the R2R workflow:

from r2r.main import E2EPipelineFactory, R2RConfig
app = E2EPipelineFactory.create_pipeline(

In this example, the E2EPipelineFactory.create_pipeline() method is called with the default configuration loaded from the config.json file. The factory method creates instances of the ingestion pipeline, embedding pipeline, RAG pipeline, and evaluation pipeline using the default implementation classes. It also sets up logging based on the configuration settings.

The create_app function, which is the default app_fn used by the factory, takes the created pipeline instances and the configuration as parameters and sets up the FastAPI application with the necessary endpoints and middleware.

To customize the application, you can provide your own implementation classes for the pipelines or create a custom app_fn that sets up the FastAPI application differently.

Once the application is created, it can be launched using a web server such as Uvicorn. Here's an example of how to launch the application:

python -m

In this example, Uvicorn is used to run the FastAPI application. The argument specifies the module path and the variable name of the FastAPI application instance.

By default, Uvicorn runs the application on http://localhost:8000. You can access the API endpoints using this base URL.

For more details on how the individual pipelines are created and customized within the E2EPipelineFactory, please refer to the pipeline factory documentation.

Adding Custom Endpoints

You can add custom endpoints to the R2R application by modifying the create_app function or providing a custom app_fn to the E2EPipelineFactory.create_pipeline() method.

Here's an example of how to add a custom endpoint:

from r2r.main import E2EPipelineFactory, R2RConfig
app = E2EPipelineFactory.create_pipeline(
    # override with your own config.json
async def custom_endpoint():
    # Custom endpoint logic
    return {"message": "This is a custom endpoint"}

In this example, after creating the application using the E2EPipelineFactory.create_pipeline() method, a custom endpoint is added using the @app.get("/custom_endpoint") decorator. The custom_endpoint function defines the logic for handling requests to the /custom_endpoint route.

You can add multiple custom endpoints by defining additional functions and decorating them with the appropriate HTTP method and route.

API Endpoints

Refer to the documentation here.


The application uses a configuration file (config.json) to set various settings for the RAG pipeline, including the vector database provider, LLM settings, embedding settings, parsing logic, evaluation provider, and more. The default values for the configuration are shown below:

  "embedding": {
    "provider": "openai",
    "model": "text-embedding-3-small",
    "dimension": 1536,
    "batch_size": 32,
    "text_splitter": {
      "type": "recursive_character",
      "chunk_size": 512,
      "chunk_overlap": 20
  "evals": {
    "provider": "deepeval",
    "sampling_fraction": 1.0
  "language_model": {
    "provider": "litellm"
  "logging_database": {
    "provider": "local",
    "collection_name": "demo_logs",
    "level": "INFO"
  "ingestion": {
    "provider": "local",
  "vector_database": {
    "provider": "local",
    "collection_name": "demo_vecs"
  "app": {
    "max_logs": 100,
    "max_file_size_in_mb": 100

To launch the application with your own configuration, you can create a config.json file with your desired settings and pass it to the E2EPipelineFactory.create_pipeline() method:

app = E2EPipelineFactory.create_pipeline(
    # override with your own config.json

This will create the application with your custom configuration.