
LLM Provider Configuration Guide

R2R supports multiple Language Model (LLM) providers, allowing users to easily switch between different models and providers based on their requirements. The framework provides an abstract base class LLMProvider that defines a common interface for interacting with LLMs, ensuring consistency and flexibility.

Supported LLM Providers

R2R currently supports the following LLM providers:

  • OpenAI
  • LiteLLM (default)
    • OpenAI
    • Anthropic
    • Vertex AI
    • HuggingFace
    • Azure OpenAI
    • Ollama
    • Together AI
    • Openrouter
  • LLama.cpp

Toggling Between LLM Providers

R2R uses a factory pattern to create instances of LLM providers based on the provided configuration. The E2EPipelineFactory class is responsible for creating the appropriate LLM provider instance using the get_llm method.

To toggle between different LLM providers, you need to update the language_model section of the configuration file (config.json). For example:

"language_model": {
    "provider": "litellm",

By changing the provider value to "openai", "litellm", or "llama-cpp", you can switch between the supported LLM providers. Note that for additional fields defined below are likely required to run successfully with "llama-cpp".

LiteLLM Provider (Default)

The LiteLLM class is the default implementation of the LLMProvider that integrates with various LLM providers through the LiteLLM library. LiteLLM provides a unified interface to interact with different LLMs using a consistent API.

Key features of the LiteLLM implementation:

  • Supports multiple LLM providers, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Vertex AI, HuggingFace, Azure OpenAI, Ollama, Together AI, and Openrouter.
  • Allows switching between different LLMs by setting the appropriate environment variables and specifying the desired model.
  • Provides automatic prompt template translation for certain providers (e.g., Together AI's Llama2 variants).
  • Supports registering custom prompt templates for specific models.

To use the LiteLLM provider with a specific LLM provider, you need to set the appropriate environment variables. Here are some examples:

  • OpenAI:
    • Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable with your OpenAI API key.
  • Anthropic:
    • Set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable with your Anthropic API key.
  • Together AI:
    • Set the TOGETHERAI_API_KEY environment variable with your Together AI API key.
  • Ollama:
    • Ensure that your Ollama server is running and accessible.

Refer to the LiteLLM documentation for detailed instructions on setting up each provider.

OpenAI Provider

The OpenAILLM class is an implementation of the LLMProvider that integrates with the OpenAI API for generating completions.

Key features of the OpenAILLM implementation:

  • Initializes the OpenAI client using the provided API key.
  • Supports both non-streaming and streaming completions.
  • Allows passing additional arguments to the OpenAI API.

To use the OpenAI provider, you need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable with your OpenAI API key.

Here's the LlamaCpp section added to the LLM Provider Configuration Guide:

Llama.cpp Provider

The Llama.cpp class is an implementation of the LLMProvider that integrates with the Llama.cpp library for generating completions using local models.

Key features of the LlamaCPP implementation:

  • Initializes the LlamaCpp client using the provided model path and model name.
  • Supports both non-streaming and streaming completions.
  • Allows passing additional arguments to the LlamaCpp client.

To use the LlamaCpp provider, you need to install the llama-cpp-python package:

pip install llama-cpp-python # or poetry install ... -E local-llm

Configuring LlamaCpp

To configure the LlamaCpp provider, you need to set the following options in the language_model section of the configuration file (config.json):

  • provider: Set it to "llama-cpp" to use the LlamaCpp provider.
  • model_path: Specify the path where the LlamaCpp models are located. If not provided, it defaults to ~/.cache/models.
  • model_name: Specify the name of the LlamaCpp model to use. If not provided, it defaults to "tinyllama-1.1b-chat-v1.0.Q2_K.gguf".

Example configuration:

"language_model": {
    "provider": "llama-cpp",
    "model_path": "/path/to/models",
    "model_name": "custom_model.gguf"

Configuring Remote LLM Providers

To configure a specific LLM provider, you need to set the appropriate environment variables and update the language_model section of the configuration file (config.json).


  • Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable with your OpenAI API key.


  • Set the appropriate environment variables for the desired LLM provider, as mentioned in the previous section.

Make sure to update the language_model section of the configuration file (config.json) with the desired provider and any additional provider-specific settings.